La COFEP continue à innover!
Ainsi, en décembre 2023, nous avons achevé le projet Erasmus+ 'LOGIPRO', au cours duquel nous avons développé un modèle pour une entreprise virtuelle logistique en collaboration avec des écoles belges et espagnoles, INFORM (la centrale espagnole pour les entreprises virtuelles) et PEN Worldwide.
Funded under Erasmus+ programme: Key Action 2: Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices
Type of activity: KA220-VET - Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training
Project number: 2021-1-BE02-KA220-VET-000028188
Project Acronym: LOGIPRO
Project lifetime: 1/1/2022 – 31/12/2023 (24 months)
The goal of the LOGIPRO project was to develop a work based learning programme that prepares European VET students for an advanced logistics education in higher education or for a job within a logistics company.
To increase inflow from experienced VET students into logistics HE programmes and companies, we have implemented the practice enterprise (PE) methodology in logistics educational programmes and we have set up pilots for logistics PEs in VET schools in the partner countries.
By using the logistics PE methodology we are certain that we can reduce the mismatch between the skills people are taught and the skills needed by the sector.
- Research on professional qualifications and attainable job targets.
- Definition of skills required by higher education and the labour market
- Creation of a model Practice Enterprise for logistics
- Set-up of pilot Practice Enterprises
- Training in for teachers
- Benchmarking and Analysis Report
- Implementation Guide and Materials
- Trainers Training
- Practice Enterprise Piloting Experience
- Piloting Evaluation and Report